Saturday, October 30, 2010

my apologies

Sorry about the lack of an image yesterday. I was away from a computer from dusk till dawn and by the time I had access to one, I just wanted to go to bed. Tell you what; when Monday roles around I'll give you two pictures. How's that sound? alright? alright.



Monday, October 25, 2010

day 23: Fatherboard


This is a character that I made up when I was about 13. He was an evil mastermind who wanted all organic lifeforms to be destroyed and replaced by robots.

Friday, October 22, 2010

day 22: KABOOOM!!


I was thinking; "What would be awesome?" And then I thought about how elephants are awesome, and explosions are awesome and so are karate movies. BOOM! all three.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 21: Hippopotamian Flag

Hippopotamian Flag

When I was about 10 yrs old I made up my own society. It was an Island called Hippopotamia that you could only live on if the senate voted that you were cool enough to live on the Island. You also had to have a unique trait that made you valuable to the community and would need to be interviewed and have a background check done. Sometimes I still wish that I could live on an Island like that... Anyways, a couple of years later this is what I decided the Hippopotamian Flag would look like. It fits in because it's awesome.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 20: Just Do It

Just Do It
Pencil/ digital hybrid

I was inspired to do this piece because of my history class. We were talking about Greek mythology and in particular the winged women figures who gave news of a battle:

P.S. You have a dirty mind. Don't deny it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

day 19: Constant Fade

Constant Fade
Digital/pencil hybrid

the law of entropy is what's been on my mind today.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 18: So Many Questions....

So Many Questions
Pen & Paper

I feel sorry for owls. All they want to know is who you are. They never get angry when you don't respond. Instead, they simply ask again. Poor guys getting ignored all the time... 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 16: I Planted A Seed

I Planted A Seed

I was looking through some of my old sketches and short stories today and I decided to revamp some of the things that were never brought to fruition (which was most everything). This is a remake of something I drew for a girl about 2 1/2 years ago for Valentines Day.
There's a cheesy little poem to go with it:
You planted a seed
And O' how it grew
And now, darling, I give
What belongs to you.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 15: My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady
Pen & paper

I'm thinking about making this both a first and a last: the first in that it's the beginning of the official Lady Autumn series and last in that I'm thinking about deversifying  my artwork and changing up the styles.

Friday, October 8, 2010

day 12: No Joke... It Really Is.

3D's Legitimate.
pen & paper

I have an irrational vehemency toward this ridiculous 3D fad that's going on. this is one of my ways of making fun of it.  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 10: Sitting in English Class

Sitting in English Class
Pencil & Notebook paper
Obviously the object that I drew is not sitting in a classroom of any sort, but I was sitting in a classroom when I drew this.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 9: Lady Autumn

Lady Autumn
I decided to do something different from my normal stuff. I had some random pieces of copper lying around so I thought it might be a good idea to put them to good use. Also I've attempted poetry and have made various sketches that I have themed "Lady Autumn" before so the various shapes and overall style of this particular piece is something that I've wanted to work on and complete for quite some time.
P.S. Excuse the quality of the backdrop. I'm not a model photographer so I had to make due with a t-shirt.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 8: Interesting To Say The Least

Interesting To Say The Least
Watercolors and ink
This was actually a spur of the moment thing. I had no vision for this piece at all. What's interesting about that is that I was actually working on another one, and I knocked over my ink bottle and it ruined the picture I was working on, so I got out another piece of Bristol Board and just started splatting watercolors on it until I finally saw an image that had the potential to develop with an autumn theme... And I like this one more. And that is how today's piece was created.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 7: Right at Home

Right at Home

The title says it all. Today was a good day.